Alignz COVID19 Business Update

As per Jacinder Ardern’s announcement made yesterday, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2. Alignz have taken active steps to comply with the Alert Level changes and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our team, clients, candidates and students. Please read the following changes below:

Alignz Safe Work Practises

  1. Auckland branch will be working remotely from home by 12:00 midday today.
    • The office will be closed until further notice.
    • It is business as usual and we will be contactable via phone or email.
    • If you are a Client or Candidate and have any questions or concerns, please contact your consultant direct, or 09 279 9984 or  
    • We have additional Health and Safety measures in place to ensure our team, clients and candidates are always safe.
  2. Hamilton and Tauranga branch
    • The offices will still be open with additional Health and Safety measures in place.
    • It is business as usual and we will be contactable via phone or email.
    • If you are a Client or Candidate and have any questions or concerns, please contact your consultant direct or:
    • If you are a Student and have any questions or concerns, please contact Sam direct at
  3. Before coming into the Hamilton or Tauranga offices please:
    • Contact our team to book an appointment or for any questions you may have. Entry by appointment only. No walk-ins will be permitted at this time.
    • Sanitize your hands on entry
    • Sign the contact tracing register
    • Physical distance of 2 metres
    • Stay home if you are sick, coughing or have a runny nose

We aim to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our team, clients, candidates and students during this time. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns, contact Alana our HR/Project Manager at or Felila our National Growth and Partnership Manager at

Please click here for more information of NZ COVID19 updates.

Kia mahi tahi everyone, stay safe and be kind.

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